Archived Newsletters 2009-10-17 MASSAGE AND STRESS Massage is drugless stress control. To the executive it means quick energy boosts and a way to cut through fatigue, to the athlete it offers sensational muscle recovery rates after exercise, to the insomniac it brings peace, and to the lover, a new way of touching. It can also provide a simple but amazingly effective facial. Taken regularly, massage can change one's life. All of the techniques in the book 'SUPER MASSAGE' are easy to learn and they all work in minutes. My hope is that you will now open the book to any page and try massage on a willing partner. The results? In minutes you will see stressinduced pain vanish as oure pleasure takes its place. That's one of the things human hands can do; ease pain. But that's only the beginning.
January 1988 Miranda, California Introduction There are the continually wearied, wakeful, and nervous business or professional men with numerous and varying ailments, who have learned by experience that "the labor they delight in physics pain;' and who find more relief in work than in rest. M as- sage will sometimes put such on a higher plane of existence and give them a zest for work which they have not derived from any other source. -Douglas Graham, M.D., A Treatise on Massage ;::-oduction Unwinding with Super Massage Forget the thirty-day program or the regimen of costly therapy - overstressed people deserve a much quicker solution. The techniques in this book work in minutes, not days, weeks, or months.
Practiced everywhere on earth since Biblical times, massage is the most ancient form of stress control; it is the original medical tool. The Super Massage program is designed to cut through stress and bring relaxation fast. As you begin to use it, you will learn to recognize the warning signs of excessive stress and take action. On every part of the body you can do things with massage that your partner can not do. You'll also learn to analyze the chemistry of fatigue and purge the body of acidic irritants that keep the muscles perpetually tensed. At the heart of the Super Massage program is the amazing fluid release effect, a massage technique that alters, in minutes, the chemistry of fatigue and stress. The fluid release effect adapts a technique that is employed by Olympic trainers, allowing stressed parts of the body to be super oxygenated while irritating acidic wastes are pressed out of the tissues. The results simply have to be experienced to be believed: nagging aches and pains disappear, fatigue vanishes, and a sense of well-being takes its place. After fifteen minutes of fluid release massage, muscle recovery rates double and work output increases by more than 100 percent.* Massive increases in red and white blood cells are noted in the massaged areas, and oxygen levels also jump. Perhaps most significantly, irritating acidic wastes that would normally linger in the tissues for days, even weeks, are dispersed in minutes.t There is, simply, no way outside of massage to duplicate these astonishing effects. Massage allows people to feel instead of think. It immediately brings relaxation to tensed muscles, reversing the *Douglas Graham, M.D., Massage: Manual Treatment, Remedial iHavements (Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1913) tHermann Bucholtz, Therapeutic Exercise and Massage (Philadelphia and New York: Lea & Febiger, 1920), tendency of stress to create more stress. It eases pain without resorting to drugs. It calms the nerves and stimulates circulation. And it works every time. massage, pleasure itself is therapeutic. The astonishir changes that occur during Super Massage - spectacu:. muscle recovery rates andextended endurance - hay - . been documented by scien tists only recently but the techniques have been teste for thousands of years. Super Massage techniques feel very good and that, too, is part of the program.
With the discovery of antibiotics and modern painkillers, however, massage abruptly lost favor in medical circles. The evidence was in: massage could alter the chemistry of fatigue; it could relieve pain and relax tensed muscles in minutes. But now there were pills that seemed to do the same thing even faster. Overworked doctors welcomed a deluge of "mira- *Professor J.B. Zabludowski, "Uber die physiologische Bedeutung der Massage," Centralblatt/ur die Med. Wissenschaften, April 7, 1883 (in Graham, Massage: i'vIanual Treatment, Remedial Movements, p.82). Professor Maggioria, Archives ltaliene de Biologic (University of Turin), Tome XVL, fasc. ii-iii (in Graham, iiJassage: ,HanuaITr'eatment, Remedial Movements, p.85). American Joumal of the Sciences, M.ay 1894 (in Graham, Massage: l'v[anuaITr'eatment, Remedial Mm)Cments, p.93). W.S. Playfair, M.D., Nerve Prostration and Hysteria (London: King's College), p.85 (in Graham, Massage: Manual Treatment, Remedial Movements, p. 118). cle drugs;' overlooking, for the time being, their ominous side effects. It became more cost effective to knock out the whole central nervous system to cure a headache than to massage a patient for five minutes. A few Olympicclass athletes continued to use massage as a kind of secret weapon (most notably, runners Waldemar Cierpinski and Alberto Salazar, world record holder in the marathon from 1969 to 1982. But for most people massage became a rare luxury to be sampled only by the rich and powerful. In fact, some of the most pressured characters in historyJulius Caesar, Cleopatra, Louis XV, Ulysses S. Grant, Ivan the Terrible, Indira Gandhi, Bob Hope, Marlene Dietrich, and Henry Kissinger, to name just a fewseldom left home without a masseur. They understood that massage can make the extraordinary physical and emotional strains of leadersr..ip bearable. A good masseur can relax almost anyone. Now you can, too. t Harvey Kellogg, M.D., A Practi£al Manualfor the Nurse, the Student, and the Practitioner (Battle Creek, Michigan: Modern Medicine Publishing Co., 1929), p. 273. Taken from SUPER MASSAGE, Simple Techniques for instant relaxation by GORDON INKELES (Author of the ART OF SENSUAL MASSAGE) Copyright 1988 Gordon Inkeles, first published in Great Britain in 1989 by Judy Piatkus (Publishers)Ltd of 5Windmill Street, London W1, Printed and bound in Great Britain by Butler & Tanner Ltd, Frome and London, Designed and produced by Jon Goodchild/Triad, Photographed by Gordon Inkeles, Illustrations by Sigga Bjornsson, Reprinted in 1989 and twice in 1990. Pages 10 to 12. (Sorry. Due to the urgency of education on this site, spelling will be corrected at a later stage….All photos in the script have been left out) |
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