Archived Newsletters 2009-09-24 The Amazing Fluid Release Effect:
How You Can Use It to Control Stress
Stress is created when the exhaust gasses, toxins, and wastes produced by combustion remain within the cell. Deep within the body chemical concentrations that trigger stress must be released from the cells before real relaxation is possible. When stress is viewed as a chemical phenomenon rather than a purely mental one, the tremendous potential of fluid release massage becomes clear.
We all agree that stressed people can become terribly irritating; however, their ten· dency to attack others is mirrored within. The stressed individual is under relentless attack from inside his own body by powerful acids and poisons. Normally, most toxins are expelled from internal tissues via the intricate capillary and lymphatic sys· terns whose vessels are no more than a fraction of a cen· timeter in diameter. But when the body reacts to a stressful situation, the entire vascular and lymphatic system abruptly contracts. At the same time, the blood supply to interior tissues is sharply reduced. As the oxygen rate declines, nearby muscles tighten, pressing hard against the interior lymph and blood vessels.
During the massive vasoconstriction that follows, major blood vessels are often visibly contracted. Smaller ones sometimes close down altogether, blocking nearly all waste dispersal from the surrounding tissues. Irritating acidic wastes then begin to accumulate in the tissues, and the classic vicious cycle of stress is complete: the wastes produce tension, the tension produces more vasoconstriction, which in turn causes more acidic wastes to collect in the tissues. Relaxation becomes difficult because the muscles, constantly irritated from within, will not let go. In the end, the stressed individual is poisoned by his own wastes.
Vigorous exercise, the holy grail of the overstressed, can easily make the whole situation worse. Blood circulation is temporarily boosted, only to have large quantities of a new irritating waste, called lactic acid, pumped into the tissues. One must do less to be free of stress, not more.
The amazing massage technique called the fluid release effect, developed and widely tested (most recently on Olympic athletes), actually counters the effects of stress. In fluid release massage we concentrate on opening the intricate capillary and lymphatic systems that wastes must pass through to get out of the body. Masseurs deal with stress as a physical problem and seek to restore tranquility by creating gentle changes inside the body. During fluid release massage an intense cleansing process begins at the cellular level.
Recently, a team of scientists set out to analyze the effects of various strokes by measuring the precise chemical content of wastes expelled from the body before and after a massage. After dozens of chemicals had been monitored, two dramatic changes in body chemistry, indicating how extraordinarily powerful massage could be as a stress control agent, emerged. The scientists found that when tensed muscles relaxed their grip on the fragile lymphatic vessels, adrenaline, perhaps the most stressful chemical of all, was suddenly expelled from the body at a rate 50 percent faster than normal. Expulsion of histarnine, the nasty stuff that cold and allergy remedies try so hard to vanquish, was accelerated by a phenomenal 129 percent!* Fluid release massage, it turned out, had a selective tranquilizing effect that no drug could match; somehow. just the chemicals that actually cause stress were pressed out of the tissues and expelled from the body.
As wastes are pressed out of the cells, the capillary and venous systems are opened and, simultaneously, great quantities of oxygen and nutrients are pumped into the tissues. The result? Your partner will rise from the massage feeling refreshed, calm, and curiously energized.
Taken from SUPER MASSAGE, Simple Techniques for instant relaxation by GORDON INKELES (Author of the ART OF SENSUAL MASSAGE) Copyright 1988 Gordon Inkeles, first published in Great Britain in 1989 by Judy Piatkus (Publishers)Ltd of 5Windmill Street, London W1, Printed and bound in Great Britain by Butler & Tanner Ltd, Frome and London, Designed and produced by Jon Goodchild/Triad, Photographed by Gordon Inkeles, Illustrations by Sigga Bjornsson, Reprinted in 1989 and twice in 1990. Page 18.
(Sorry. Due to the urgency of education on this site, spelling will be corrected at a later stage….All photos in the script have been left out) |
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