Form sentences from 5 words:
Alternate collect presume possibly supplies
I presume the alternate is to possibly collect supplies.
Deplete values matters volumes serious
When matters deplete, the volumes have serious values.
Expenses stay limited necessary close
To close, limited expenses stay necessary.
Believe direction in valuable nibble
A Valuable nibble in life is to believe in direction.
Fruit source pull away chomp
Chomp is a chocolate. Pull away from it. Fruit is the source of life.
Struggle natural dominate play reasonable
Be reasonable. A natural struggle can dominate the play.
Induce on temperature lid put
Put the lid on. It will induce the temperature.
standing knock tight munch bump
Standing on a rock can knock and bump you into a tight munch.
Silent urgent humble scores measures
Be silent and humble. These are the urgent measures for scores.
Reduce withdraw central continue substances
To continue to withdraw, reduce the central substances.
Collide tags catch against token
Catch the tags before they collide against the token.
Prune sign flower inhale ingest
To ingest a prune is a sign to inhale a flower.
Return conceive occur parent invent
Invent this; did it occur to you that a parent can return and conceive.
Shy proper plain reason great
“Great. She is proper shy....this is the plain reason why”.
Strive packs vary superior manufacture
Strive to vary the packs, and manufacture superior quality.
Obsess inhabit number hover build
Do you obsess yourself to hover; and build a number of houses to inhabit?
Presume outstanding advise present deliver
I presume you deliver present outstanding advise.
Birth disturb effect multiply rise
Rise and multiply the effect; do not disturb the birth.
Being feed popular sum day
A popular sum per day - feed every being.
Punish dwell carry match through
To carry the match through, dwell on the punish aspect
standing on a rock can knock and bump you into a tight munch to continue to withdraw reduce the central substances to ingest a prune is a sign to inhale a flower invent this did it occur to you that a parent can return and conceive great she is proper shy this is the plain reason why multiply do you obsess yourself to hover and build a number of houses to inhabit sit I presume you deliver present outstanding advise rise and multiply the effect do not disturb the birth girth a popular sum per day feed every being to carry the match through dwell on the punish aspect sect, I presume the alternate is to possibly collect supplies accomplish fish disgrace race will bill believe in direction valuable far wide popular take contain comprise consist affect associate catch commit concern connect cover hold implicate link mean prove relate require suggest absorb argue bind complicate compromise grip hook imply incorporate number rivet tangle touch mix up point to rope snarl wrap do with interest, put forward advise recommend submit convey desire plan offer put advance move plug pose prefer proposition theorize give two something off mind call smack indicate promise refer represent advert intimate occur shadow signify symbolize sign be cross lead manufacture forward advise submit convey catch devise flower frame furnish imagine multiply originate parent propagate present invent turn being into bring bear build contribute cultivate deliver design develop form write author afford blossom breed compose conceive render return out come through birth give together show fruit source emit affect effect hatch induce occasion provoke secure about draw rise make result work display advance exhibit light set unfold perform act mount percolate perk play stage pull away chomp feed on ingest eat inhale swallow down nibble punish snack away munch feed deplete drain dominate obsess employ finish vanish go through have by profit run wash wear burn waste crush ruin demolish lay wreck suppress devastate extinguish return humble shy moderate quiet simple nice proper resign retire seem silent temperature withdraw uncertain ordinary plain limited reasonable small average cheap dry economical fair natural low token brief short interim limited substitute fugitive mortal perishable alternate argument dispute examination contest hesitation hassle reflection forensic match drop fall hand sink depress reduce couch descend droop cast lower push set decrease slash cut minimize depreciate devalue diminish downgrade scale soften abate clip demote tone roll mark cut back down prune shave moderate degrade humble humiliate disgrace will possibly may well perhaps grant permission allowed can do be possibility imports results values cores matters senses substances quantities sums totals volumes loads lots measures numbers supplies tons bundles flocks heaps packs piles scores budgets costs expenses outlays outputs price tags products additions, bodies lists tabs stay put behind linger wait hang around continue go hover last live persist prevail stop survive abide cling dwell freeze delay halt inhabit lodge nest pause rest reside visit left hold over keep make camp remain standing sit tight stay stick vital imperative central chief key main essential principal crucial critical substantial big extensive great large necessary influential extensive grave paramount relevant serious urgent considerable exceptional foremost grave marked much momentous moment note primary signal worthy notable eminent outstanding extraordinary noteworthy remarkable solid powerful distinctive famous grand high profile majestic noble potent superior talented oppose clash dispute differ diverge odds incompatible disturb vary collide combat contend contrast interfere fight jar mismatch scrap strive struggle tangle bump cross swords lock against tide square halt achieve complete wind cease clinch crown call day close draw knock lid put round ultimate top assume presume decide suppose make collect derive draw figure gather reason add afraid boil have sum way one accomplish settle arrange determine resolve carry confirm rule establish fix pull bed close knock resist oppose deal cope dispute meet battle encounter litigate punch rival stand strive withstand all got give broke jugular jockey position knock oneself out lock scramble shoot let into argument sock stick challenge yourself nominate warrant prescribe report hold justify face come gang go bone pick jump lace challenge insist maintain

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