1 The Founding History of Aro-healing

Everything stems from your mind. If your mind is healthy, your body will be healthy. If you dream big and you truly believe that it is possible, then it will come about. But if you doubt—there is negativism in your mind. Scientology believes that one should not be in the company of a negative person.

+ 1. Massage has been practiced as a healing therapy for centuries in nearly every culture around the world. Define "massage".

+ 2. What is "tension"?

+ 3. Is Anatomy and Physiology the same or do they differ?

+ 4. What is Aro-healing?

+ 5. What are the advantages of using Aro-health massages?

+ 6. Describe the Aro-healing Technique?

+ 7. What are the Benefits of Listening to Music?

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