Our bodies require a certain set of nutrients so that it is able to detoxify and heal itself the way nature intended.

+ 1. Does taking supplements of Vitamin B improve your health?

+ 2. B Vitamin coenzyme is an activated and more powerful form of Vitamin B complex. How should you take Vitamin B supplements?

+ 3. Since B vitamins and their coenzymes play important metabolic roles in numerous biochemical reactions throughout the body, they can influence just about every aspect of brain and physical health. As a rule, individuals who take B vitamins notice improvements in . . . . Name 7 benefits.

+ 4. The increased consumption of refined foods depletes the amounts of B vitamins present in our diet. B vitamins help in energy production and deficiencies lead to fatigue and poor mental functioning. What has been offered as an answer to this dilemma? Refer to a study that was done at the University College of Swansea in 1995.

+ 5. For otherwise healthy individuals, supplementation with one to three times the recommended daily allowance of the B vitamins is suggested. For which 3 disorders are higher dosages required?

+ 6. What are anti-oxidants?

+ 7. How do you improve detoxification? Name 4 things that come to mind.

+ 8. What does aerobic mean and when is an exercise aerobic?

+ 9. Diabetes can cause serious problems like heart attacks and kidney problems. Every day children and adolescents die because of diabetes. Referring to their weight, what do you suggest?

+ 10. What is the etymology of Unani?

+ 11. According to WHO, and referring to Unani drugs, why are safety activities done?

+ 12. What does the Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM) do?

+ 13. What does the Traditional Knowledge Digital Library do?

+ 14. What does the Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM) do?

+ 15. What does the Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha do?

+ 16. What is the etymology of Siddha?

+ 17. In a short paragraph, speak about World Siddha Day

+ 18. The lymphatic system is co-operative. Name 3 important functions of the lymphatic system.

+ 19. How is lymph formed? Write a 5 point paragraph about the transformation and a 10 point paragraph to describe the lymph.

+ 20. What do you know about the origin and movement of lymph? Write a 6 point paragraph about the lymphatic circulation and a 12 point paragraph about the origin of lymph.

+ 21. Do you know the difference between lymphatic capillaries and vessels? Write a 4 point paragraph about the lymphatic capillaries and a 6 point paragraph about the lymphatic vessels.

+ 22. Now discuss the lymph nodes and the lymphatic drainage areas? Write a 12 point paragraph about the lymph nodes and a 4 point paragraph about the lymphatic drainage areas.

+ 23. Write a 20 point essay why the information on manual lymph drainage is so important?

+ 24. When will your doctor send you for physical exercise or physiotherapy?

+ 25. ‘Performance without Pain’ focuses on nutrient-dense nutrition that heals and prevents inflammation and builds optimal health. However, one has to focus on symmetry too. Case scenario: You have no injury and your diet is completely anti-inflammatory. You develop a pain in your left or right hip when walking. It might be caused by a muscular tightening, and not inflammation. You have no injury and your diet is completely anti-inflammatory. Over the course of a few years have you tried common treatments such as chiropractic, muscle activation, exercises like squatting and massage therapy? These approaches seem to help, but the pain keeps returning. Additionally, for years in a row, have you sprained muscles on only the one side of your body–your sacro-iliac joint, the last rib of your rib cage, your abdominal muscles, while playing the trumpet! If you continue playing your instrument and spraining the muscles of your abdominal wall, you can become seriously injured. This is not normal. Spraining muscles on only one side? Spraining abdominal muscles while playing a trumpet? What is wrong?

+ 26. Symmetry (from Greek symmetríc to “measure together”) generally conveys 2 primary meanings. Describe each.

+ 27. What is reflection symmetry? Give as many other names as you can to describe reflection symmetry.

+ 28. A glide reflection symmetry in a 3D plane? Explain.

+ 29. In what 2 everyday objects do you find helical symmetry? In a paragraph, talk about its axis.

+ 30. The 3 main classes of helical symmetry can be distinguished based on the interplay of the angle of coiling and translation along the axis. Name the 3 classes of helical symmetry.

+ 31. Discuss in 3 paragraphs infinite helical symmetry.

+ 32. What is an n-fold helical symmetry?

+ 33. Distinguish the characteristics of a non-repeating helical symmetry.

+ 34. What is a non-isometric symmetry? Discuss in a paragraph.

+ 35. What is scale symmetry? Discuss in a paragraph.

+ 36. What is reflection symmetry? Explain referring to the plane of reflection. Give other names to reflection symmetry.

+ 37. Horizontal or vertical symmetry? Explain referring to reflection symmetry and give examples.

+ 38. What is translational symmetry?

+ 39. The concept of symmetry is applied to the design of objects of all shapes and sizes. Give 5 examples of symmetry in arts and crafts.

+ 40. Discuss in 2 paragraphs symmetry in carpets, rugs and quilts.

+ 41. Discuss in 1 paragraph symmetry in social interactions.

+ 42. Symmetry in natural objects form an impressive visual result and play a role in history, religion and culture. Give 2 examples.

+ 43. In mathematics, what is a theorem?

+ 44. In mathematics, what is the difference between a theorem and a proof? Give an example of a theorem.

+ 45. People are confused about what a mathematician means by a theorem and a theory. What is the difference between a theorem (10) and a theory (15)? Give an example of each.

+ 46. Discuss a mathematical theory referring to ‘independent field of study’.

+ 47. Discuss a mathematical theory referring to ‘a statement inferred from a set of observations or facts’.

+ 48. Discuss a mathematical theorem under the following heading ‘A theorem is a statement which is proven from known facts’.

+ 49. Discuss a mathematical theorem referring to ‘a statement which is proven by valid logical inference within a mathematical theory’.

+ 50. In mathematics, what is a Lemma?

+ 51. In mathematics, what is a Corollary? (15) Give an illustrative example.

+ 52. In mathematics, what is proposition? Give 2 meanings of proposition.

+ 53. Emotions have a powerful effect on our psyches as well as our bodies. Positive emotions generate body responses. Negative emotions also generate body responses. Both emotions are designed to move through the body. What influence do they each have on the body?

+ 54. As a craniosacral therapist, how would you recognize trapped emotions? Name 3 methods (other than Somato Emotional Release) one could use to release trapped emotions?

+ 55. Releasing emotions is a highly rewarding aspect of hands-on therapy—the release of painful or hurtful emotions or whether the client has an important burst of insight. In 4 paragraphs, talk about the full range of responses.

+ 56. What is Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine and how does it differ from Chiropractic Treatment and Massage? What conditions can it treat?

+ 57. How do D.O.s differ from massage therapists?

+ 58. Andrew Taylor Still, M.D. once made a comment that “ . . . The rule of the artery is supreme . . .”. What does this mean in relation to restoring circulation to a damaged area of the body by a D.O. using his trained hands.

+ 59. The basic difference between Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine and Chiropractic is the basis of their philosophies.

+ 60. What is the abbreviation OMM. Explain.

+ 61. What is the theory behind massage?

+ 62. Talk about natural and unconditioned reflexes under the following headings: Simple Reflexes, Complex Reflexes, A reflex action (reflex) and Reflex stimulation.

+ 63. Talk about complex reflexes under the following headings: Complex Reflexes and Brain Pathology.

+ 64. Talk about respiration and exhalation under the following headings: Respiration (control of ventilation), breathing (gas exchange), motor stimuli, exhalation, ventilation pattern and autonomic nervous system.

+ 65. In boxing, a boxer has to ‘condition’ the flinch reflex. What is the flinch reflex?

+ 66. There are 2 drills to help a boxer get rid of the flinch reflex. Explain.

+ 67. Geldard discovered Vibratese. Describe.

+ 68. Invented more than 175 years ago, Braille still contributes to giving the blind access to the written word. Despite the growing availability of other sensory substitution technology (i.e. speech synthesis), the Braille code remains an important access medium for the visually-impaired. Discuss under the following 2 headings: ‘Braille’ and ‘Its Success’.

+ 69. Why are employers choosing a corporate massage?

+ 70. How do I organize a corporate massage for my office?

+ 71. The goal of Auditory Integration Training (AIT) is to exercise the acoustic reflex muscle. Discuss this fact and mention the acoustic reflex muscle, sound vibrations to the cochlea and the acoustic reflex threshold in your discussion.

+ 72. What Are the Different Types of Therapy for Dyslexia? Discuss under the following headings: Traditional and Alternative Therapies; Balance or Movement Therapy; A Combination of Teaching Methods

+ 73. Phonemic, phonological awareness and dyslexia. What are Phonemes?

+ 74. Phonological awareness is one step up from phonemic awareness. It describes the ability to integrate sounds with written symbols. Individuals may appear to have phonological awareness because they are able to look at a complex word and know what it sounds like. Therefore, It makes sense that dyslexia can be understood with regard to sound reception. Describe.

+ 75. Discuss the physiology of dyslexia under the following headings.

+ 76. What is Rote learning?

+ 77. Discuss Rote learning in mathematics.

+ 78. In music, Rote learning can also refer to learning music by ear as opposed to musical notation interpretation.

+ 79. In music, the Suzuki method and Rote learning: there is a distinct difference between rote learning and learning by ear, which is the more important skill developed by the Suzuki method. Discuss under the following headings: Learning by rote, Learning by reading and Learning by ear.

+ 80. Keeping a journal is important but there is more than one way to keep a journal.

+ 81. Journaling can be helpful for any purpose and area of your life from emotional healing to business goal-setting. Make a list of some of these areas.

+ 82. Coconut oil creates healing and detoxifying reactions which makes people think they are allergic to it. Name 5 healing and detoxifying reactions which the body creates to clear out toxins.

+ 83. What can you do to minimize these symptoms and reactions which is evidence that your body is working hard to detoxify and heal itself?

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